Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I'm in hibernation mode..

 Yup, I'm going to be a tokey bear in my den all winter!
Read lots of good books, do Yoga, and bake lots of goodies for the hoidays. :D

New Set in Member Review on SuicideGirls now!
check it out, help my 7th set go front page! That would be the best early x-mas present everr!

I really need to stock up my promo, so if you'd like me to sign a personal print and mail it to you please make a 50$ donation
And email
with your mailing details <3

I have a really amazing new friend in my life,        Lawri
She's a year old Chi/Dash
And I love her so much!

New Tour Dates ;)
Cranbrook BC - Nov. 29th

See yah

Monday, August 20, 2012

Hello Babes!

Im sooo sorry I haven't been posting much. I've been going through some hard times with my health and my grandpa recently passed away and my 12 year old dog is deathly sick. SO SAD.  Lately I've been booking tours and ending up cancelling them due to lack of energy. I'm really just sick of all the bullshit and disrespect that comes with the gig. I wish to upgrade my Biology and next year take the massage therapy program.
To everyone in Kelowna I was looking forward to seeing; I'm sorry I missed you! But please try to understand my perspective.  Everyone has their breaking point.
anyway, I would really appreciate any amount of donations at this time, If you donate more than $20 I will sign a poster and mail it to you :] just email me at

Monday, July 2, 2012

Show some lovee

I would really like to attend Prana Yoga College again to upgrade to the 500 level course.
If you can, please donate :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hello world!

My chosen name is Chéri,
 I suggested it to SG as my nickname in 2010 because 'Chérie' in French means 'Darling'.  Which is also the name of one of my favourite songs from a band called 'Eye's Set to Kill'. 
 When I was about fifteen I started posing for local photographers, I did it as a sort of hobbie, It helped comfortablibity infront of a camera.  I'm comfortable in my skin, I don't care what random people think or say about me.  
 I have a life other than Suicide Girls, I have been lucky to enjoy some opportunities to shoot with very talented photographers. 
 I don't blog much because I value my privacy, I am super grateful for my supporters and people who show me respect.