Thursday, November 21, 2013


Hello/Bonjour friends and fans;
for those who don't know I recently broke my ankle. :( I was jogging on a sunny day and I hit a patch of ice on a trail and fell. It was quite traumatic! I've sprained many ankles before, I knew instantly it was broke. As a dancer this is devastating to me, I wont be able to dance for two months at least. I can only do modified yoga for now.  I had a trip to the ER and surgery on my ankle screws and plates, now i'm back home resting. I am grateful for all the support through this difficult time. Prior to breaking my ankle I was in a treatment program for addiction. I'd rather not say to what, but I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. I learned a lot about myself and what triggers me. Everyday day there's a war going on in my head, but I still believe that one day i'll make it to the top.  My recovery time is 6 weeks, and can't drive or work, any donation will help and if you donate 50$ or more you will receive a signed poster and magnet and note from me personally! xox

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Let the games begin...

:X Winter in Alberta would really suck without a playstation. I actually did this photoshoot at Millioux's place before I flew home from LA in June 2012. I feel like i look so skinny in it haha i was doing so much jogging and dancing around that time plus I eat like a poor person. I stoked its front page today! Thanks for all the love and support from everyone during this time of transformation for me. XOX CHERI

Friday, June 21, 2013


I have a new set going into member review this July... Get stoked all you gamer mother F*kers!

Game On.

 Shot by SG Millioux  ;) meow.

I am happy to say I am going to be living in Kelowna BC this summer, maybe all year. I really like it here and I found a great place near the beach and downtown!

What doesn't kill you?

My wagon needed a new engine (cost me $2,800+ fml) And took like two weeks to complete! Ugh car troubles suck, so I had no choice but to cancel at the fox in vic and svelt and a bunch of other gigs. My plan got ruiened, but obviously good things came from it. I have maxed out my new credit card already hahah but I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I gotta live free. But! I have an island tour booked starting next week monday. Gotta keep on rollin.. send me a donation on here of a min of $50 YOU get a signed poster from muah! <333

I went to Negril Jamaica recently, it was amazing. Paradise 
I love Jamaica so much I can not wait to return! 

I might be a jack daniels girl at the Calgary Stampede this year, yehaw! lol 
I will blog again soon
Im going to bed,
peace & love& bud

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

coming soon

I am touring
I was recently hit Kelowna and Vancouver and the Island, 
It was nice to see old friends :)
I flew to Edmonton 

I am going to be in Toronto soon! New york visit in the near future as well
i am turning 21 on feb 7! :o 
This year i am going to be working on recording my first rock album 
I will share with you when I have tracks recorded