Thursday, November 21, 2013


Hello/Bonjour friends and fans;
for those who don't know I recently broke my ankle. :( I was jogging on a sunny day and I hit a patch of ice on a trail and fell. It was quite traumatic! I've sprained many ankles before, I knew instantly it was broke. As a dancer this is devastating to me, I wont be able to dance for two months at least. I can only do modified yoga for now.  I had a trip to the ER and surgery on my ankle screws and plates, now i'm back home resting. I am grateful for all the support through this difficult time. Prior to breaking my ankle I was in a treatment program for addiction. I'd rather not say to what, but I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. I learned a lot about myself and what triggers me. Everyday day there's a war going on in my head, but I still believe that one day i'll make it to the top.  My recovery time is 6 weeks, and can't drive or work, any donation will help and if you donate 50$ or more you will receive a signed poster and magnet and note from me personally! xox


  1. Wish you all the best. Where do we send donations to?

  2. grettings from México, my best wishes and here we say: Echele ganas!!

  3. Greetings from Colombia Cheri. I'm very glad you're rising above all of these bad things that have happened. Gigantic hug!

  4. Вы великолепны!!!!!! ждем вас в России:)
